Saturday, March 15, 2008


I don't know what else to put in the title! As soon as I was done posting my last blog P came up to me crying because his ears hurt so bad. So we went to the dr and found out he has a major ear infection. ....24 hours later...J comes up to me kind of whimpering and says he wants snuggles...I give him a hug and he is burning up!

So what did I do? Well to start with I gave him some Motrin and got him comfortable on the couch and then I turned into a mad woman! I've gone through an entire can of Lysol spraying just about every single surface in this house! I've opened up all the windows to get some fresh air in. I've turned on my air purifier full blast and I'm moving it from room to room (yes it probably defeats the purpose by having the windows open but it makes me feel better). I've stripped all of the beds and they are either in the laundry or in the process (I have that cool silver care thing on my washer that uses silver ions to sanitize clothes in cold water, pretty cool) and I'm also going to throw in all of the pillows. And I've thrown away all of our toothbrushes!

So I guess we'll see if this works, and if not, at least I got some of my frustrations out!


Ian said...

Have everybody in the house wash their hands a lot.

With antt-abacterial soap & warm water.

For 30 seconds.

A lot.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is recovering now! I feel ya!
Big giant hugs and I hope you are well!

Schweers' Mom said...

Ick. Don't you just hate that? Of course, I hate the throwing up thing much worse. I've got one upstairs coughing up a lung. It's not bad enough for the dr. yet and not quite bad enough for the nebulizer. I don't think the kid has been well since last summer!

Hang in there!

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

so sorry - hugs to you...