Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Student Once Again...

Well, I was just going to post that I didn't have anything interesting to post and be done with it. But, I forgot I had yet to blog about my newest adventure. On August 27th I will once again be a student! I applied in June to UNT in the hopes of eventually getting my bachelor's degree. I'm at a very frustrating point.... I have 79 hours with only about 47 to go. Too much to just let go, but still plenty left (at least plenty when you only plan on taking 3-6hrs a semester) that it still feels like a monumental task. I have been saying I was going to do it for the last five years, but kept thinking that I would never finish with how few classes I would be able to take. Then I started thinking that if I had enrolled five years ago I would be done by now. Ugh! So what's my major? Emergency Administration and Planning (EADP), with an ultimate goal to get a Master's in Public Administration.

After my first meeting with my advisor last week I left thinking two things: 1) I can't believe that my brothers, Michael and Mark will have finished much sooner than me (Michael graduated in '03 and is starting his Master's degree this fall and Mark is graduating in December); and 2) I am in absolutely no shape to be trekking across a campus again (at least I only have one class this semester).

After my first thought, I felt ashamed because it doesn't give my brothers any credit at all! Both of them are absolutely amazing, responsible men who did everything they were supposed to do ... on time and correctly. I'm the one that did things the "unconventional" way. Which I guess really isn't too unconventional any more.


Brent said...

I really like unconventional.

I played it by the rules, graduated college, married at the time of graduation, blah blah blah.

My sister went unconventional and retired at 30.

Go figure.

But, rock on with going back to school. I really like that you're doing that!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! I can honestly say that I have been there.(You have more complications than I did, though)

I think you are so brave and I commend you for making this tough decision! Good for you, Kristi! I'm proud of you!

Kristi said...

Honey B - you're doing the same thing so you deserve just as much commendation!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! So cool Kristi...