Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Autism Shirts That I Would Love to Have!

The pictures are probably going to show up funny, but they are as follows:

"I'm with neurotypical" (meaning "normal""
"If 1 in 150 American children were being kidnapped, we'd have a national emergency. We do. Autism"
"You call it an ear piercing scream, I call it my happy squeal!" I NEED THIS ONE!
"I heart my sons!"
"My communication skills are fine. It's not my fault you don't speak my language."
"If he was "cured" where would we be today?" I LOVE this one!
"Yes my son has autism. No, he's not like Rainman." Common misconception.
"Autism is not a tragedy. Ignorance is the tragedy."
"Not being able to speak is not the same as not having anything to say." This is one of my favorites!


Robyn Rochelle E. said...

Love the Albert one!!!!
and the communication one!!!
Oh really good stuff!

Noelle said...

My brother has autism, and sometimes I wish I could wear one of those shirts too! just because of the stares we get.. hehe.